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This Porno does not pass the Bechdel Test

This is a play. About pornography. It is not pornography.

So if you were expecting dirty videos... you’re in the wrong place. Soz.

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This Porno does not pass the Bechdel Test


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‘The chance to win the night of your dreams with semi-famous porn star Lance Hardwood.’

A bitingly funny new play by Jessie-Wren Jacobs set to make its debut at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this August. BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW!t


An internet contest where an ordinary person gets the chance to appear in a pornographic video with their favourite porn star.

Sienna’s won the competition and now it’s time to reap the reward.

The countdown has begun - in 45 minutes Sienna and Lance will begin their livestream, but she’s started to have doubts. Not just about the recording, but porn in general.

Sex. Ethics. Jason Derulo. This hilarious feminist tragicomedy will give you a night you won’t forget. Will you be watching?

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This Porno does not pass the Bechdel Test


Photo credits - Broadway Studios

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check out the original comic!!

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The Bechdel test, also known as the Bechdel-Wallace test, is a test to measure the representation of women in film and other fiction.

The test asks whether a piece of media features two things:

  1. two named female characters
  2. both female characters must have a conversation about something other than a man.

cast & creatives


actor, writer, producer

Jessie-Wren Jacobs is a nasty little feminist, writer, and recent Drama Studio London graduate. A strong comedic actor, recent credits include Pheobe in Persever Production’s ‘As You Like It’ and Blanche Ingram in Jess William’s ‘Jane Eyre’. Jessie-Wren has a passion for voice acting, having just recorded an audiobook with RNIB’s talking books series. She is also a qualified yoga instructor.

‘I was inspired to write ‘This Porno does not pass the Bechdel Test’ after reading the brilliant non-fiction book ‘Men Who Hate Women’ by Laura Bates. I wanted to explore what effect growing up with easy access to all kinds of pornography from such a young age has had on my generation - the good, the bad, and the bizarre.’

Jessie-Wren likes cats, The Sims, and performing her own version of Taylor Swift’s Eras tour at 11pm (much to her neighbour’s delight).

You can find her on spotlight here.

Jessie-Wren will be playing the role of Sienna


actor, movement director

Paddy Lish is a cheeky little feminist and recent Drama Studio London graduate with a passion for physical theatre and comedy. He has appeared alongside Frantic Assembly, and is a proud alumni of their Ignition program. He recently appeared in the short film ‘Maria Soprano’ which has been nominated for Best Drama by the Royal Television Society. Paddy is also a Judo enthusiast, holding a 2nd Dan Black Belt and previously competing at national and international level.

‘I am so excited to debut this explosive new writing. Lance is a fantastic character I can really sink my teeth into, and I think the story of the play will keep the audience on the edge of their seats. Get ready for some twists and turns! It’s entertaining, thought-provoking, and wildly relevant.’

Paddy likes Taco Tuesdays, Iron Maiden and not having to do the dishes.

You can find him on spotlight here.

Paddy will be playing the role of Lance

You can find her on spotlight here.



Zoé is as bad as Jessie-Wren on the feminism scale and excessively proud to use the term dramaturg to talk about herself, much to the dismay of her exhausted flatmate. A recent Drama Studio London MFA graduate, she recently produced and appeared in her co-authored, co-directed play “Bordel Boudoir” and is currently brewing an array of exciting new projects. Zoé is a skilled singer and boogie master (who refuses to use the term “dancer”) and works as a Theatre critic and lifestyle journalist.

‘Jessie-Wren’s writing is a dive in the wildest, most invigorating sea and I’ve been wanting to work with her for a good while. The way in which wide access pornography has shaped my generation goes beyond the realm of what we often consciously consider and weaves itself into a lot of our social interactions and even into the way in which theatre is made. Assisting in this project is an honour and I cannot wait to see audiences be shook by what they see, and question what they hear.’

Zoé likes fashion history, being French, the Pub, being French at the Pub, and pretending her dog Knight can speak.



‘This Porno does not pass the Bechdel Test’ will be debuting at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this August for 6 performances. You will be able to find us at the beautiful Willow Studios at Riddle’s Court, Greenside Venues - smack bang in the middle of the Royal Mile.

PERFORMANCE DATES - mon 19th - sat 24th August

TIME - 2:00pm

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Why don’t you check out Edinburgh Festival

Fringe’s official website?


August 2024 Calendar Leaf. Calendar 2024 in flat style. Vector stock illustration


Lucky for you, we’re doing a preview performance!

Come join us for one night only at the brilliant Etcetera Theatre in the heart of Camden Town.

PERFORMANCE DATES - friday 5th July

TIME - 7:00pm

Follow this link to Citizen Ticket to book tickets. We can’t wait to see you!


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July 2024 Calendar Leaf. Calendar 2024 in flat style. Vector stock illustration

‘What’s normal? Pretty sure to my grandparents missionary with the lights out was normal... I mean, you think of anything - anything at all - there’s pornography of it.’

‘Do you think it’s ethical to make pornography? Especially porn that shows women being hurt?... I guess in some ways it’s like Pavlov’s dogs. And an orgasm is an excellent reward for watching a woman being punished’

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